Be prepared to help reverse an opioid overdose. |
The current opioid epidemic is one of the largest drug epidemics recorded in US history. Since 1999, almost 500,000 people have died due to an opioid overdose.
While preventing overdoses from happening can be difficult, reversing an overdose once it’s started can help save a life. NARCAN nasal spray is a pure opioid antagonist indicated for emergency use and should be used to treat a person displaying signs of an overdose, including breathing problems, severe sleepiness, or unresponsiveness. |
Key steps to administering NARCAN.
NARCAN was developed to be used at home without the need of any medical training. It’s free, available all over your neighborhood, and easy to use.
find narcan.
Narcan is free and readily available at pharmacies, community health centers, corner and liquor stores.
You can also receive a NARCAN kit by requesting one from us and we’ll deliver it to you.
Respond and report.If someone you know is experiencing an opioid overdose, helping is simple and could be the difference between life and death.
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What New York State’s 911 Good Samaritan Law? |
Call 911 in case of an emergency, especially a possible overdose.
New York State’s 911 Good Samaritan Law will prevent you from being arrested if you’re having a drug-related emergency or are witnessing someone overdose.